Thursday, May 12, 2022

Electronics Troubleshooting Cartoons

 Having spent many years working in the electronics industry, I have definitely witnessed many forms of electronic circuit troubleshooting and repair methods employed by technicians and engineers. Heck, I've even used some of them myself.

There is sort of a standard industry practice when it comes to locating failures on problematic circuit boards or electronic equipment - 'divide and conquer' - where the circuit is tested through section by section until, hopefully, the problem component(s)can be isolated and identified.

This doesn't always work.

Oftentimes, other methods need to be brought into play. Some of these can be quite drastic - and entertaining.

So, sometime back in the early eighties, I decided I would document some of the more common procedures in the form of watercolor cartoons. I have scanned the collection and posted them here.

By no means do these represent all the possible techniques, but they represent the most commonly used.

The originals were rendered on 9x12 paper, so it was a bit of a challenge to get them complete and centered on my HP scanner, but I did my best.


The Random Replacement Technique

Oh, there's one I forgot and never did draw a cartoon about - "Blame the software guys !!"


Space-Themed Bunk Bed, Part 4

 This weekend's work on the bunk bed planets consists of filling in the wood grain of the plywood cutouts to make smoother surfaces for ...