Wednesday, January 5, 2022

1986 - Diving Into Astromomy !

 Beginning in 1986, I began a serious foray into the realm of amateur astronomy. It had been over a year since I had disengaged from the model rocketry hobby and sold off most of the model fleet and associated support items. I found that I still needed some sort of activity to keep my mind engaged and my penchant for having some type of hobby satisfied.

The catalyst for my delving into astronomy came from association with one of my workplace peers, Mr. Donald DeKarske.

Don was an avid astronomy enthusiast who owned and regularly used a quality 101mm refractor telescope.  After spending many work breaks talking astronomy with Don, he invited me to come along to one of his observing sessions.

I was blown away by what I saw in the eyepiece. hobby found!

In short order, I soon had my own telescope and accessories. At the time, my hobby budget was quite limited, so I could only afford a small 60mm refractor, but it was good enough to get started.  Don pointed out that, despite the small aperture, my new instrument was far superior to any telescope that Galileo himself had at his disposal! 

Here's an old photo of Mr. Dekarske with 4" refractor telescope:

With Don's mentorship and guidance, I learned the ins and outs of proper telescopic observing techniques and skills. From my previous studies of the night sky during the elementary school and junior high days, I had a fairly good base on which to begin this new journey.

It was time to get rollin'....

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